

I know that using this subject for the first entry is pretty funny but as you will see, I’m a bit random. Don’t judge me, ha!

I cannot tell you how long I’ve said that I wanted to create a blog. I would spend hours on end reading blogs from various writers. My bachelor’s degree is in Mass Communications: Public Relations and nearly every job I applied for requested my blog’s link. I never quite got around to building one but I have always loved reading them. Whether I was reading about God, weightloss, celebrity gossip, or fashion, you name it: I had a blog to turn to. You guessed it; nope, not my own.

I started thinking back to all of the things I wanted to do but never got around to doing them. In middle school, I remember wanting to run for class president. I never submitted my application. In college, just like some of you, I had so many sleepless nights writing papers until 4 o’clock in the morning the day they were due. Until this very day, I even create long to-do lists and rarely complete them. Well ladies and gentlemen, it’s because I was busy being “fake busy”. Yes, I said fake busy. By fake busy, I’m referring to doing numerous things and not accomplishing anything at all. “Fake Busy.” I am a champ at it. I guess I was tricking myself to believe I was actually achieving something. Instead, I could have been planning a dinner for friends (I’m Martha Stewart in my mind) or reading that book that I’ve put off. You know what I mean, doing something productive.

I always hear people refer to my generation as the “Microwave Generation.” I don’t know about you but not much has come to me quick nor easy; hints why I struggled with procrastination so long. You remember that day you looked around at your peers and wondered where did things go wrong for you? Yup, I’ve done that too. I just knew I would have my master’s degree by now or I would be Oprah! You could not tell me that I wasn’t a hustler! I had to be real with myself because hustlers do not wish for things, they do them. “I’m the type to say a prayer, then go get what I just prayed for(Meek Mills song, “Amen”). I was always a hard worker and accomplished many milestones in my life. My problem was that I stayed in the safe lane. This is not always a bad thing because the woman I am today is a direct result of my decisions. There are so many things I should have done but I use every missed opportunity as a lesson learned.

Procrastination is not 100% a negative trait. It means that you acknowledge there are things to be done. The next step is simple: just do them. Not later but right now. Like Albert Einstein said, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Do something different by fulfilling those desires. It does not matter how small the task is, just do it now and your life will be rewarding.

For me, I had to figure out what was causing me to postpone things. Fear of failure? No resources? No time? Honestly, I was just being lazy a lot of times. For example, it snowed this week in Virginia and I had one full day off this week. I was so excited because I was traveling for work last week and had so much to do. However, instead of doing any of that, I committed my time to reactivating my Twitter account. Do Not Judge Me! Ha! I know that I’m not alone but we all know scrolling through Instagram nor Twitter qualify as life changing activities. Well, it could be depending on who you follow. Ok you’re right, I’m stretching.

Hopefully, we will all have an experience in our lives that eliminates procrastination and releases productivity. Building my relationship with God really helped me see life in a different perspective. We are here to do the work of His will. Realizing that it wasn’t about what Kiki wanted to do today or tomorrow really did change my life. How can He use us for His will when we’re busy being fake busy? Now I see every day as a new opportunity to become better and help someone do the same. Also, we know tomorrow isn’t promised. I’m always super grateful when I wake up in the morning because I know that day has new purpose. He has placed so many new desires in my heart ranging from my position as an Admissions Representative to the different women’s groups that I participate in. However, I cannot just believe I will do amazing things; I have to start doing them! James 2:26 says, “For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.” You can have an amazing idea but until you do the work, it is nonexistent. We all know that actions are so much louder than words.

If we simply stop filling our time with fruitless things, we can accomplish so much more. Take the time to sit down and figure out what your real goals are. What is that idea you brainstormed about but never got around to starting? Honestly, I am still working on procrastination. My current goal is to become a morning person so that I can wake up, work out and BEAST in the gym! I’m only half-joking. Seriously, it is a decision everyday to change for the better. However, I’ve learned that if something is truly important to you, you will make time for it. What is more important than becoming the best you?

Much Love,


6 thoughts on “Procrastination

  1. My sister, my sister, my sister….. I am so very proud of you, and I must say I have seen the progress in you, and I pray that you continue to do God’s work. We are all a work in progress, but with God’s assistance we can do anything we put our mind too. Much love to you.

  2. Amazingness.COM! Why didn’t I know we had the same degree?! Love this first entry chica! I could hear you saying this lol great stuff! We should write a blog together, I have one on my own but shoot why not, anyway, go girl!

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